“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

ENG 099 voc

allegory -  story with two meanings - literal and symbolic; very important is the connection of the literal meaning with the symbolic meaning ("Allegory of the Cave")

amend - to rephrase;

anecdote - short, amusing story about a real person or incident;

annotate - to annotate is to make a note, underline or highlight main ideas of the text;

argument - is a reason given in proof;

article - a written composition, usually nonfiction, on a specific topic;

audience - in literature the audience would be the readers;

author - composer;

background information - it's reading up on the subject before you make too many decisions about how you are going to approach your work;

blog - is a type of a website or part of a website were one maintains it and posts regular comments or describes events;

cite -to quote;

claim - it's the author's position on any subject;

clue - anything that serves to guide;

coherent - sticking together, consistent;

collective -gathering

compare - to examine to determine the similarities or differences;

comparison - act of comparing;

composition - combining parts to form a whole;

consequence - outcome;

context (contextual) - the parts of a written or spoken statement that follow a specific word or passage;

contrast -to compare to show unlikeness, differences;

critical thinking - mental process of skillfully analyzing information to reach an answer or a conclusion;

data - representation of a fact;

depict - portray in words, describe;

details -important part of a whole;

direct quote - repeat of authors exact words

dystopia - opposite of utopia;

emulate - follo; copy;

effects - a result of something;

essay - piece of writing written from the authors personal point of view

evaluate -judge carefully;

evidence - proof;

example -representative of a group as a whole;

explain - to make something clear by describing it in detail;

fact - something known to exist or to have happened;

formula - a set of words that form a statement;

illustration - act of explaining;

in your own words - not quoting or copying someone elses words/text;

individual - single;

intention - purpose or goal;

introductory paragraph - introduces the topic of an essay;

irrational - not consistent with reason; doesn't make sense;

key ideas - main ideas;

key word - a word that serves as a key, as to thmeaning of another word, a sentence, passage;

link - to join;

list - meaningful grouping;

literal - primary or strict meaning

main ideas - main ideas lead to the main point like clues;

main point -  writer's point of view, perspective, opinion, or argument about its subject;

natural - not altered;

opinion - a personal view;

outline - rough plan for our piece of writing

parable - a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle or moral lesson;

paragraph - sentences that elaborate an idea, reason or support a claim;

paraphrase - restatement of text to give the meaning in a different form;

personal experience -

perspective - point of view;

philosophy - investigations of the truths, being knowledge;

phrase - a sequence of words intended to have meaning;

point - sense of something;

pre-writing - first stage of writing followed by the drafting, revision, editing and publishing;

propose - to offer or suggest;

purpose - mean, aim, goal;

quotation - something that is quoted; a passage quoted from a book, speech,

quote - a repeat from a book or speech etc.

rational - consistent with reason; makes sense;

rationale - logic;

reading - the action or practice of a person who reads;

real - true, not imaginary;

reason -statement made to explain;

relevant - something connect to the main matter;

respond - answer;

revise (revision) - to change, modify;

sentence -  a grammatical unit of one or more words;

simulation - imitation of something real;

source - a place from which something comes;

state - declare; to set forth in words;

story - a true or false narration shorter than a novel;

summarize - to summarize is to write in your own words about the main ideas of the text without giving your own opinion;

symbol (symbolic) - something that is used to represent something;

testimony -confession;

text - the words of something written or printed;

thesis - a claim with reasons;

topic - what something is written about;

topic sentence - introduces the main idea of the paragraph;

true - fact or reality;

unified - combined, merged;

utopia - ideal place or state;

virtual reality - a realistic simulation of an environment;