“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

Monday, May 23, 2011

Blog 24: Reflection on the Class

It’s hard for me to pick three of my blog entries that I consider my best in terms of critical thinking, but I can definitely pick three that were easiest for me to write – 12, 21 and 23. All of these were easiest for me, since for me connecting to the text and elaborating my ideas is the hardest part in writing my essays.           
     Writing online was different from the experiences that I had in the past. When I was in high school we didn’t have access to computers or the internet. Writing online is way better. It’s not as time consuming and everything I write, for this class, stays on my blog, so I don’t have to worry about misplacing any of my essays.
For this class we had to write 24 Blog entries (including this one). I don’t know if blogging itself that helped improve my writing or the constant practice.
      I think online work was both an individual and shared experience. Obviously we wrote our blog entries individually, but by posting our work online we had the chance to read each others work, to compare and get useful insight. I always read others work.
I am not sure if any of my classmates read my work, but from the comments I received on a couple of blogs, I know students from other networks were assigned to read and comment my work.
I will definitely be walking away from this class with the knowledge that it is good to experience new things, even though they might not seem pleasant. “The Allegory of the Cave” was one my favorites. It has me thinking non stop about “leaving the Cave”.
I really didn’t know what to expect from this class. I thought that we would focus strictly on writing. I would have never thought that we would watch movies and talk about food, and labor issues. I found all of the topics we covered in class very informative, and I am glad that Dr.X chose them.
We did everything in class, from annotating, summarizing, writing thesis statements, to elaborating our responses. I definitely have an understanding of all the writing strategies; I just hope I can put them in use when taking my CAT. 
The most memorable assignment was watching “The Matrix”. I would have never expected to watch this movie as a class assignment in college. I must say I am happy that we did, because I saw this movie before and to tell you the truth all I remembered was the impressive fights. Now at least I know what the movie was really about.
My one and only recommendation for a student who plans to take this class would be to always be on time and to try not to miss classes. We covered a lot of material and even though I didn’t miss a single class, I can imagine how hard it would be for someone to try to catch up and write blogs on the topics they missed out on.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Could you give us some details as to how the topics of 12, 21, and 23 made them easier to write? Check Jennifer's blog to see what I mean. Thanks! :-)
