“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog 4: Revision of "Hype"

             Kalle Lasn, the author of “Hype” starts the article by stating – “advertisments are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants”. The author continues with giving us an approximate number of advertisements we see, hear or read throughout the whole day which equals to around three thousand ads. Lasn also mentions the increase of commercial advertising and their placement. They are no longer placed in the typical places like buses, billboards, stadiums. Now they are everywhere even on gas pump nozzles,  ATM machines, in kid’s classrooms, and even supermarket carts – “there is nowhere to run”, the author writes. Lasn ends her article by saying that everyone’s life, without exemptions, is filled with advertisements – “no one is exempt and no one will be spared”.
            I do not agree with Kalle Lasns’ statement mentioned above - “advertisements are the most prevalent and toxic of the mental pollutants”, because to me they are entertaining, informative and secure a lot of people good paying jobs.
            Commercials now a days are created more and more to first entertain people and than to promote the product itself.  They are short, funny and very catchy. I can bet that everyone has caught themselves singing a jingle or even saying a whole phrase from commercials like “I lift things up, and put them down” or “stay thirsty my friends” …I actually know people, which may surprise you, that watch the Superball just for the commercials aired during halftime. If commercials were, so disturbing as many people say they would not waste time picking commercials of the year, right? Or the funniest one, or best and worst commercials.
            Commercials might make the movie you are watching on TV last longer, but at least you get the latest news on upcoming products or even news on sales and promotions on current products. Several times I caught myself running to the Queens Mall after I learned from a commercial that American Eagle or Aeropostale is having a sale.
            It takes a lot of work and a lot of people to create a commercial. Creative designers, advertising specialists, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales specialists – that is a lot of job positions filled by what some consider the most annoying thing they see throughout the day.
            With commercials being everywhere we turn I still don’t consider them disturbing. They serve their purpose – they promote by getting our attention in every way possible.
            I say that if we were to stop all advertising at once, people not knowing it now, would actually miss it, and most of all a lot of people would end up being unemployed.


  1. there is a summery about "gype" at the biginning of the revision and it shows what claim and thesis of "hype" are exactly and it is easy to understand. It includes important ideas and written by writer's own words and also not incluse writer's personal opinion in the summary.

    Writer has a sentence that identifies one significant idea in the reading. There are claim and thesis stated early in the paper and the writer keeps the main point throughtout the paper with logical connection between ideas and paragraphs. The writer's claim has at least two examples from her own experience. The writer refers back to the reading by quoting directly. Overall, the paper has few grammer and spelling and when the writer explains the reasons, it is a little confusing so if the writer correct these simple errors, it will be better.

  2. The writer does include a brief summary about the Hype passage and also explains it in her own words. She/he does continue the main point throughout the paper. I could say there was a clear and logical connection between their ideas and paragraphs. The thesis/ claim are clearly stated. The writer does include their own personal opinion in the summary. The writer does mention a phrase or sentence that identifies one significant idea in the reading that s/he plans to discuss. The thesis/ claim it is clearly stated in the paper. The writer also refers back to the reading by quoting directly.

  3. there is a summery about "hype" at the biginning of the revision and it shows what claim and thesis of "hype" are exactly and it is easy to understand. It includes important ideas and written by writer's own words and also not incluse writer's personal opinion in the summary.

    Writer has a sentence that identifies one significant idea in the reading. There are claim and thesis stated early in the paper and the writer keeps the main point throughtout the paper with logical connection between ideas and paragraphs. The writer's claim has at least two examples from her own experience. The writer refers back to the reading by quoting directly. Overall, the paper has few grammer and spelling and when the writer explains the reasons, it is a little confusing so if the writer correct these simple errors, it will be better.
